Outreach for Applications of Enterprise GIS In Transportation



Workshops allow participants to discuss findings associated with data modeling, integration and management requirements and standards based on needs and requirements of business users and stakeholders in Project Planning and Programming, Asset Management, Design and Construction, Traffic and Safety. Discussions focus on how spatial data is modeled, engineered and prepared for business use cases across myriad topics.

These events will allow AEGIST PFS states to advance a shared vision and goal of using linear and spatial referencing standards for modeling, integrating and analyzing data across systems:

  • Linear Referencing Systems (LRS)
  • GIS Systems, Asset Management Systems
  • Project Management Systems
  • Design and Construction Systems
  • Traffic Systems, Safety Analytic
  • Travel Demand Modeling Systems
  • Planning and Programming Systems


*All in-person events are postponed until further notice. AEGIST activities will be presented through virtual events at this time.

*Event dates and agendas subject to change.
