Outreach for Applications of Enterprise GIS In Transportation

Meeting of the States – San Diego 2019

Dec 10 - 13 2019
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Meeting of the States – San Diego (December 2019)

San Diego California
Tuesday, December 10 to Thursday, December 13, 2019

Download Detailed Agenda


This Meeting of the States involved sixteen (16) states, FHWA and WSP on enhancing enterprise data modeling, management and governance practices at State DOTs. This 2019 peer exchange was the first of the five (5) peer exchanges. The GIS, LRS and asset data management experts at the peer exchange presented, lead and engaged in following discussions:

  • AEGIST PFS project vision, goals, objectives and guidebook for spatial data modeling
  • Data governance and management guidelines. Creating a single enterprise roadway data model.
  • Linear referencing system and methods used to model route network and roadway segments
  • Intersection and interchange data modeling, management and spatial/linear referencing
  • Asset data modeling and management: Ramps, curves, guardrails, barriers, bridge, tunnel, etc.
  • HPMS, ARNOLD and MIRE data compilation practices, management challenges and solutions
  • Road network and asset data temporality, versioning, editing and QA/QC workflows
  • National roadway datasets compilation: FHWA data tools, processes and techniques
  • AEGIST guidelines and roadway data model implementation: challenges, roadblocks and opportunities

Session Snapshot


Session 1 - 8:00 AM – 9:10 AM: AEGIST Pooled- Fund Study (PFS) Project Vision, Goals and Objectives
Facilitator: Dave Loukes, WSP. Speakers: Joe Hausman, FHWA; Abhishek Bhargava, WSP

  • Introductions
  • AEGIST Pooled Fund Study: Project Vision, Goals and Objectives, Participating States
  • AEGIST Phase 1 Accomplishments: Guidebook & Key Recommendations
  • AEGIST Phase 2 Vision, Goals, Objectives, Scope, Schedule and Anticipated Roadblocks
  • Peer-Exchange 2019 Goals and Objectives, Agenda

Session 2 - 9:10 AM – 10:00 AM: AEGIST Guidelines on Civil Integrated Management (CIM), Building Information Modeling (BIM), Data Governance and Need for a Standard Roadway Data Model
Facilitator: Dave Loukes, WSP. Speaker: Abhishek Bhargava, WSP

  • Defining Civil Integrated Management (CIM), Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Relation to LRS, GIS
  • Data Management for CIM/BIM – Data Models, Exchanges, Systems Integration, Quality, Governance
  • Data Modeling Concepts and Principles: Spatial & Non-Spatial Data Models, Objects and Attributes
  • National Transportation Data Model: Why? Model Content: Essential Roadway Features & Attributes

10:00 – 10:15 AM: BREAK

Session 3 - 10:15 AM – 11:15 AM: NRBM Data Model: Routes, Road Segments and Linear Referencing
Facilitator: Abhishek Bhargava, WSP. Speaker: Dave Loukes, WSP

  • Route Network data model: Linear Referencing System and Referencing methods
  • Route Network model content: Roadway Features & Attributes
  • Route data editing and LRM data management workflows

Session 4: 11:15 AM – 12:00 PM: Model Inventory of Roadway Elements: Data Requirements
Facilitator: Abhishek Bhargava, WSP. Speaker: Robert Pollack

  • Road Segment, Intersection and Interchange Data Modeling Requirements

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: LUNCH

Session 5 - 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: NRBM Data Model: Intersection Data Management
Facilitator: Dave Loukes, WSP. Speaker: Abhishek Bhargava, WSP

  • Data Model: Intersection Components, Intersection Point, Segments; Navigation space, point, turn segments
  • Model Use Cases & Deployment: Master Data Systems, Data Exchanges and Systems Integration for CIM

Session 6: 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM: NRBM Data Model: Interchange Data Management
Facilitator: Dave Loukes, WSP. Speaker: Abhishek Bhargava, WSP

  • Data Model: Interchange Point, Mainline Route Segment, Ramp Segment, Navigation Point, Connectors
  • Model Use Cases & Deployment: Master Data Systems, Data Exchanges and Systems Integration for CIM

2:45 PM – 3:00 PM: BREAK

Session 7: 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM: NRBM Data Model: Managing Signs, Guardrails, Pavement & Other Elements
Facilitator: Abhishek Bhargava, WSP. Speaker: Dave Loukes, WSP

  • Data Model: Signs, Guardrail, Medians, Pavement, Project and Other Elements (Bridge, Tunnels, Walls etc.)
  • Model Use Cases & Deployment: Master Data Systems, Data Exchanges and Systems Integration for CIM

Session 8: 3:45 PM – 4:30 PM: Data Management: Data Editing, Temporality
Facilitator: Dave Loukes, WSP. Speaker: Abhishek Bhargava, WSP

  • Temporality, Editing Spatial and Non-Spatial Data Attributes


Session 9: 8:00 – 12:00: Linear Referencing System, HPMS, ARNOLD Data Management and Reporting
Facilitators: Dave Loukes and Abhishek Bhargava, WSP


  • Greg Ciparelli, Connecticut DOT,
  • Frank Desendi, Pennsylvania DOT,
  • Eric Conklin, Georgia DOT
  • Will Thoman, Idaho DOT
  • Mark Finch, Washington DOT


  • Linear Referencing System and Methods: Route Network, Concurrencies, Divided/Un-divided Highways, Events – Editing, Workflows, QA/QC, Challenges in Route Network Editing, Current Initiatives and Next Steps.
  • ARNOLD Data Compilation: Local agency coordination, data systems, data integration tools and techniques (e.g. edge matching to integrate local roads)
  • HPMS Data Compilation: Pavement, Traffic, Safety and Road Network Data Integration, Processing, Workflows, People and processes
  • Existing and/or upcoming initiatives, projects, data systems modifications; Roadmap of planned activities.
  • Technical assistance needs associated with road network, HPMS, ARNOLD data management
  • LRS and Asset Data Systems Integration Practices, Data Systems Integrated to receive Route Network Data
  • Open Discussion and brainstorming on alignment of State DOT Practices with AEGIST Guidelines

12:00 – 1:00: LUNCH

Session 10: 1:00 – 5:00: Asset & MIRE Data Management: Roadway Segments, Intersections, Interchanges, Ramps, Curves, Guardrails, Bridge, Tunnel, Noise Wall, Pavement and Traffic Sections
Facilitators: Abhishek Bhargava and Dave Loukes, WSP


  • David Lee, Tennessee DOT
  • John Baker, New Mexico DOT
  • Erin Lesh, North Carolina DOT
  • Patrick Whiteford, James Meyer, Arizona DOT
  • Eric Conklin, Georgia DOT


  • System Integrations, Asset location (linear referencing) Updates, ETL Operations
  • LRS and Asset Data Systems Integration Practices, Data Systems Integrated to receive Route Network Data
  • Location referencing: Linear and/or geographic referencing of assets
  • Asset data REST APIs, Data Sharing and Exchange
  • Master data system: Spatial asset data editing, business attributes management
  • Roadway and Assets data managed in GIS vs. Asset Management Systems
  • MIRE Data management, data compilation and collection systems, tools and techniques
  • Temporality: Systems with temporality features, Assets and/or roadway data with temporal history
  • Existing and/or upcoming initiatives, projects, data systems modifications; Roadmap of planned activities.
  • Technical assistance needs associated with Asset and MIRE data management
  • Open Discussion and brainstorming on alignment of State DOT Practices with AEGIST Guidelines

DEC 5th (DAY 3): AEGIST NRBM Implementation

Session 11: 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM: GIS, LRS, Asset System Implementation - Challenges, Roadblocks, Resolutions
Facilitators: Abhishek Bhargava and Dave Loukes, WSP


  • David Tinoco, Massachusetts DOT
  • Patrick Whiteford and James Meyer, Arizona DOT
  • Eric Conklin, Georgia DOT
  • Erin Lesh, North Carolina DOT


  • Assets modeling: LRS Routes model, Interchanges, Intersections, Self-intersecting routes, Roundabouts
  • Asset location and business data editing processes, systems, roles and responsibilities: DOT & Local Agency
  • Data management, common data environment (CDE), data warehousing initiatives at State and Local agencies, that are being used to address challenges and remove roadblocks
  • Spatial and linear data management practices at local agencies and DOTs for assets not in HPMS, NBI (e.g. intersections, ramps, interchanges, culverts, railroad crossings, medians, guardrails, curves, signs, tunnels)
  • Asset Inventory and MIRE data availability, collection issues, multi-user data editing environments/systems (web/mobile) resulting in data versioning and temporality management
  • Integrating multiple asset data systems. Managing databases and systems used for editing and reporting
  • Software system capabilities to handle Temporality, Temporal data queries
  • Open Discussion on anticipated challenges and roadblocks in AEGIST implementation; Identifying Resolutions

11:30 PM – 12:30 PM: LUNCH

Session 12: 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM: AEGIST Implementation Needs, Technical Work Planning and Prioritization
Facilitators: Abhishek Bhargava and Dave Loukes, WSP


  • John Farley, North Carolina DOT
  • Ian Kidner, Ohio DOT


  • Data Management Planning, Design, Master and Reference data management
  • Building an enterprise data dictionary and deploying a single enterprise data architecture across all agencies in the State for Asset and Roadway data management
  • Existing Software Systems evaluation, Configuration and/or Enhancements needed
  • Systems Configuration and Development work: Database, Data Editing and Reporting Setup
  • State GIS. LRS, Asset Data Management System Implementation Needs
  • Integrating and governance transportation road network and asset data
  • Compiling data from multiple data systems at DOT (Central office, districts), MPOs and other local agencies (e.g. municipalities), for reporting and data analytics
  • Prioritizing NRBM Model Deployment: Recommended Next Steps
  • Open Discussion on Implementing AEGIST Guidelines – Prioritized Next Steps

2:30 PM – 2:40 PM: BREAK

Session 13: 2:40 PM – 3:00 PM: Peer Exchange Summary & Next Steps
Speakers: Joe Hausman, FHWA; Abhishek Bhargava and Dave Loukes, WSP


  • Report Out: Peer Exchange Summary

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