Outreach for Applications of Enterprise GIS In Transportation

PFS States Quarterly Meeting 1

Mar 03 2020
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

PFS States Quarterly Meeting 1

Spatial Data Modeling: Open and Proprietary Standards for Roads, LRS Data Models

This quarterly meeting of the PFS States focused on spatial data modeling standards (open/proprietary) and business rules that are documented in the AEGIST Guidebook v1.0. Discussion involved updates that need to be made to Guidebook v1.0, the open and proprietary data modeling standards that need to be taken into consideration, and the different roads and intersection modeling scenarios that need to be considered.  


  • Joe Hausman (FHWA)
  • Abhishek Bhargava, Data Scientist (WSP)


  • AEGIST Guidebook Updates: Creating v2.0
  • AEGIST Guidebook v1: Business rules implemented at State DOTs: Ohio, North Carolina, Idaho, Massachusetts, California
  • Roads and Intersection Modeling Scenarios
  • AEGIST Phase 2 Activities Plan and Schedule